to be debated on the floor precisely in order to vote against it.'

Insofar as our being heard is concerned, we should realize that (in keeping with the experiences of all our predecessors in crusades for social reform) we must set as a basis of negotiations TWO LOAVES in the earnest hope of getting CNE, but settling for HALF as the first step in an inevitable escalation process. In such a negotiation, even as the "Integration" forces of government have discovered and as the emerging nations of Africa and Asia experience with each new day, it will be precisely our "friends", our self-seeking allies of other ocasions, who will be the first to moan that even our minimum "half loaf" is 10 times too much for us to askand has been brought up 25 years too soon!

In the matter of a homophile orientation toward the colelective obligation to apply civil privilege to each with distinction, the notion inescapably arises that the solution to our problems-not only in the U.S. but in any nation, is a Constitutional one. Concomitant to the notion runs a conviction that such Constitutional privilege/obligations must state their premises in primal homophile valuesoven as the privilege/obligations, insuring definitive security and status to currently acknowledged and accepted national and social minorities, spell out such securities and limitations in the 13th through 15th Amendments in such a way as to tacitly insure them, equally and specifically, in terms of the first ten.

To be specific in homophile terms, I am firmly convinced that a state-by-state juriprudential insertion of a "mutual consent" clause-even were such a projection practicable-does not solve the contradictions oppressing our minority. I believe that the essential compromising opportunism and negativeness of the "mutual consent" position (as applied to the homophile minority problem) was wholly exposed by the career of the Wolfenden Report and the consoquential debate which buried it.

The significant coupling within a "presumably" liberalizing amendment, which our minority editorials here in the U.S. soom to have overlooked, between importuning